Make a difference in 2020 – Volunteer!

New Year, new you?
As tradition will have it, the dawn of a new year is heralded as a great opportunity to resolve to do something new. You could learn a language, eat healthier, exercise more, save some money, finally make time to write that book that’s been rumbling around your head for years, call your sister more and work harder to get good exam results. Like me, you could even write a blog post!
If you’ve still got some free time after all that lot, it is also the perfect opportunity to get outside and take action to help nature or just simply reap the well-being benefits of spending time outdoors.
You can: –
Click the links below to find out more…
- Make a difference by joining in with some local conservation volunteering
- Get to know your area by exploring some of these fantastic local greenspaces
- Take action to reduce pollution by using less single-use plastic
- Give the bees and butterflies a helping hand by creating a wildlife-friendly garden
- Do some citizen science… Big Garden Birdwatch, Big Butterfly Count, Nature’s Calendar
- Help keep Britain clean by picking up some litter
- Make a commitment to helping nature out by making an #iwill4nature pledge
- Help to bring important wildlife species Back from the Brink
New Year, new Michael?
In my case, 2020 might be the year that I finally make an effort learn to play the guitar in my hallway that has repeatedly tripped me up since I got it over a decade ago (same guitar, different hallways) [Author’s note: I guarantee this will not happen!]
It might be the year I finally work out how to pronounce the scientific names of my favourite hoverflies.
If you don’t appreciate the size of the challenge, try Dasysyrphus albostriatus, Eupeodes latifasciatus or Xanthagramma citrofasciatum on for size!
It will, however, definitely be the year that I provide everyone reading this with a list of conservation volunteering opportunities with our partners across the entire Thames Basin Heaths area. Click the button to find out more…
Volunteering opportunities…
There really is something for everyone and activities will include:
- Scrub clearance
- Bat and bird box building
- Boardwalk construction
- Cattle checking
- Wildlife surveying
- Invasive species removal
- And lots more…
You can find out a bit more about what conservation volunteering on the Thames Basin Heaths is all about in this blog post.
Please keep us posted as to how you get on and feel free to submit photos to our Facebook page.
Here’s to making a difference in 2020!
Education & Engagement Officer