Aug 12 2019

Birding Beginnings: A wetland special!

I recently visited Edenbrook Country Park and was astounded by the amount of bird life there! Skylarks were singing, House martins soared overhead and the calling of stonechats kept me feeling at home. In addition to this, plovers, pochards, reed warblers and reed buntings all provided an exciting change to the usual heathland cohort!

At the far side of the reserve, I could hear a distinct srip srip tip-tip repeating over and over again in the long grass. This was an unfamiliar song to me, and despite multiple birds now repeating this phrase, I rather frustratingly couldn’t see them! However after waiting patiently for what felt like hours the birds must’ve assumed I was a strange plant, and, as if by magic, male reed buntings suddenly popped up and made themselves clear. I love the markings on their face, their collar and moustache really adds some character.

The Reed bunting is a rather sparrow-like bird, and in summer the males possess a very distinct black head with a bright white moustache and collar. Do be cautious though, as their winter plumage is much duller and these features are far less obvious. Their song is short and very repetitive which makes it super easy to remember – it’s definitely been burned into my memory since my visit!

So if you fancy visiting Edenbrook Country Park, keep your eyes out for some interesting waterfowl (there were multiple garganey sightings earlier this year!), and listen out for the crazy songs of reed warblers and skylark. Why not give it a try? Details are available at:

Also save the date for the Edenbrook Country Park Open Day on Sunday 15th September, and we will have some more information soon on our Facebook page!

Warden Nick


<< Read Part 14 – Swifts, Swallows and Martins


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