Good dog guide

I hope it doesn’t feel like we’re always asking you not to do things! Don’t do this, don’t do that! I hope not, because we really want you to know and love your local heaths, and to enjoy your visits. Signs asking you to keep to main paths and to keep dogs out of vegetation have gone up this year, right across the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area. We know that lots of regular visitors understand this important message already, but visitor numbers are growing, so it’s vital to keep putting the word out.
To reinforce the message, Heathland Hounds have put together a code – a friendly, positive reminder to all visiting dog walkers. Birds are nesting March to September on the heaths and following the code is the best way to make this their best year yet. Thank you for following the Good dog guide 😊
Follow the Good dog guide => HERE
Thames Basin Heaths Partnership