Introducing Ruth

Hello everyone,
My name is Ruth and I’ve just joined the Thames Basin Heaths Partnership team as their new project manager. I’m really excited to become part of this amazing scheme and delighted to be able to help. I’ve been engaged in a wide variety of landscape focused projects, from the design and build of play areas to managing an environmental education centre. I even built a car park once! (porous tarmac of course) I genuinely enjoy a nice spreadsheet and an accurate Gantt chart (sad, but true) and I love it when a plan comes together. I think engagement with and understanding of the landscape in which we live is the key to a happy, fulfilled life.
I read Landscape Management at the University of Reading where I was awarded a first and I became a Chartered member of the Landscape Institute (CMLI) in 2011. I’m also a Fellow of the British Dispensing Opticians (FBDO) and am joining directly from that clinical setting. As far as I’m aware I’m the only CMLI FBDO in the country, but I’d be happy to be wrong. I’m also a member of the Advisory Council to the Landscape Institute, engaged in an oral histories project with the Friends of the Landscape Archive at Reading (FOLAR), the vice chair of my Local Optical Committee and a member of the National Clinical Committee. As you can see I like to keep busy.
I’m looking forward to meeting you all and working together to protect our heathlands.
Project Manager