My favourite greenspace: Englemere Pond
If you haven't seen the new edition of our free booklet "Greenspace on your doorstep", you're in for a treat. Today Warden Jamie picks his favourite entry, wonderful Englemere Pond!
Read moreIf you haven't seen the new edition of our free booklet "Greenspace on your doorstep", you're in for a treat. Today Warden Jamie picks his favourite entry, wonderful Englemere Pond!
Read more“Winter is coming” A familiar quote spoken by John Smew from House Stork (I’m really sorry…). As winter approaches our resident bird species band together to improve their survival against the cold. They are soon to be joined by the large num...
Read moreNo, that's not a spelling mistake, but it is the second part of a ground-breaking strategy safeguarding the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area!
Read moreIn Britain there are many species that spend the winter curled up under cover, evading the freezing frosts and occasional snowy showers (or storms!). Alongside bats, hedgehogs, dormice and bumblebees, all of our amphibian and reptile species hibernat...
Read moreThe Thames Basin Heaths are safeguarded by a ground-breaking strategy, giving this remarkable heathland habitat the very special protection it deserves. With your help we can keep the heaths safe today, tomorrow and into the future.
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