We can all do our bit

We’ve got the signs, the wardens, the education sessions and the hashtags, what else can we all do to get the message out there?
If you’re a regular follower you’ll know that the heathland of the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area is home to some very special wildlife, including specially protected birds that nest on the ground from March to September. As long as the birds are present, the heaths will be protected for them and for all of us. So, what are we doing to protect them?
- We’re a team of year-round wardens, supplemented by seasonal wardens from March to September. We’re out on the heaths 7 days a week during the nesting season, helping people enjoy their visit without disturbing the wildlife.
- We put up 100s of signs on the heaths every March asking everyone to keep to main paths.
- We also run lots of free events, especially during Heath Week at the end of July, helping to spread the word about how special these places are.
- We’re on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram, backed up by our 26 partner organisations.
- We publicise alternative places for dog walking, to help relieve some of the pressure. See ‘Greenspace on your doorstep’.
- We do lots of free sessions for local schools and youth groups. See ‘Our Amazing Heathlands’.
- We send articles to many local publications, newspapers and parish magazines.
- We give free talks to local groups.
- We work closely with all the heathland land managers and the Fire & Rescue Services.
What can you do?
As well as following our guidance about keeping to main paths and helping to prevent fires, one of the biggest things you can do is to tell all your friends, colleagues, neighbours and fellow dog walkers. Talk to people down the pub, on social media and when you’re out on your walks. Sharing why the heathlands are important to you is one of the most powerful ways to spread the word.
Thank you everyone!
Thames Basin Heaths Partnership