Wildfire alert!
The current weather conditions mean that the risk of wildfire is extremely high. Several of our team have witnessed wildfires over the last few days and the risk remains very high for the rest of the week.
Please help protect our cherished places by disposing of litter responsibly, especially cigarettes. If you see an unattended fire, please report it straight away. Don’t assume someone else has reported it. A fire can move very quickly, putting lives and precious habitat at risk. Early reporting of fires can significantly reduce the damage caused, preventing it from developing into a large wildfire incident.
Here’s what to do:
1. Get to a safe place
2. Note the location of the fire
3. Call 999 and ask for the Fire & Rescue Service
4. Give as much information as you can
5. Meet the Fire & Rescue Service at the entrance

Aftermath of the recent fire at Whitmoor Common, photographed by Warden Dan
Staying Safe Dos & Don’ts
- Extinguish cigarettes properly. Never throw cigarette ends onto the ground or out of car windows – take your litter home.
- Avoid open fires in the countryside. Always have them in safe designated areas.
- Report fires immediately to the Fire & Rescue Service.
- Don’t attempt to tackle fires that can’t be put out with a bucket of water – leave the area as quickly as possible.
- Watch the South East England Wildfire Group’s YouTube video explaining what to do.
Stay safe. Spread the word.
Senior Warden Sarah